Movie Making with Tricks - Easy Stop Motion Maker App (Free)
My students love this app. It's simple and easy to use. All you need a device, the free app, some Legos, a story and you are ready to shoot a movie! It's everything young movie makers need to mess around and have fun. Not much direction is needed however I do let the students know that for best results, it's best putting your "camera" on a tripod, or at least a stand, so you can focus more on the scene and less on holding your phone or tablet steady. Drawbacks? The app has no focus and only one orientation: lens low. Also, you can't delete an in-progress movie without first saving and processing it. If you are creating more than one scene on different days the app doesn't know that it is a segment so the words, "The End" appear on screen. I had my students export the segments onto their computer from their device and import into Movie Maker. There, they could add their sound tracks. This movie was done by a couple of my 7th grade girls.
Thinglink is a tool for creating interactive images. It's a wonderful to create a timeline, do a biography, teach an idea, and so much more. Download this great PDF file: 76+ Ways to Use Thinglink in the Classroom for more ideas! Please check it out. Below is a Thomas Jefferson sample of a timeline and biography. This was done as as app, but edited online. Unfortunately, you cannot edit in IOS mode however you can have students save their work and edit on their website.